Why we need a Delaware cheese steak blog

So I’m out in California talking about Delaware’s great contribution to Western Culture: The Cheese Steak.

“Do they really put cheese on meat in Delaware?” asked Lily. And she looked at me and I looked at her and we both tried to figure out if the other was kidding.

We were not, to both of our surpises.

“Yes,  they put cheese on steak sandwiches, and we used to eat them every day,” quoth I.

And that is when I knew I had a lot of work to do.

Delaware Cheese Steak Eater at Casapulas in Hockessin.

One Response to “Why we need a Delaware cheese steak blog”

  1. lily zong Says:

    I enjoy reading your stores on delawarecheesesteak.com. No doubt you are a quick leaner in Searching Engine Class. You are a great writer too. Keep writing, tell us more about Delaware and tell people more about California, especially Berkeley, San Francisco bay area…

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